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ZHAI Yiming

more informations ---- (Current World-Ranking: -)

(Current World-Ranking of ZHAI Yiming: -)


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These are the current world rankings (current update) each with the Top 500 table tennis players. Click on a name of a player and you will come to all videos of this player. Click on a country to see only the players of this country in the Top 500.

Table tennis world ranking from (Aktuell - updated on November)

Table tennis world ranking women

1-100 || 101-200 || 201-300 || 301-400 || 401-500

Rankprevious RankPointsNameCountry
401↓ (400)625NORKULOVA Mekhriniso (usbekistan)
402--620LEE Wan-Hsuan (taiwan)
403--615STUCKYTE Egle (lithuania)
404--610RAMASAWMY Caroline (mauritius)
405--605ORTIZ Yasiris (dominikanische republik)
406↓ (405)605NOMURA Moe (japan)
407--600LIU Yangzi (australia)
408↓ (407)600TRIFONOVA Polina (bulgarien)
409--596ZHANG Wanling (singapore)
410--595RAHAYU Atikah (indonesien)
411↓ (410)595WONG Choi Chi (macao)
412--585FRONT Erika (sweden)
413↓ (412)585GOMEZ Leyla (paraguay)
414--580GUSEVA Ekaterina (russia)
415--575DOLGIKH Maria (russia)
416↓ (415)575TAN Li Lin Jassy (singapore)
417--570TANSKA Caroline (sweden)
418↓ (417)570MAFUTA-IVOSO Jolie (kongo)
419↓ (417)570HOUSSEIN Rahma (djibouti)
420↓ (417)570MTSHOELIBE Mthabiseng (südafrika)
421↓ (417)570DANGER Solenn (neukaledonien)
422--560OUTOLLA Ines (morocco)
423↓ (422)560LUO Xue (portugal)
424--557TERPOU Elisavet (greece)
425--555PLAZA Mylena (ecuador)
426↓ (425)555KAZANTSEVA Kristina (russia)
427↓ (425)555ABRAAMIAN Elizabet (russia)
428--550KIM Sol Song (north korea)
429↓ (428)550RI Hyon Sim (north korea)
430--540SINGEORZAN Arina (romania)
431↓ (430)540FEREDJ Hiba ()
432↓ (430)540HO WAN KAU Elodie (mauritius)
433↓ (430)540EFFIOM Janet (nigeria)
434↓ (430)540DESSCANN Sandhana (mauritius)
435↓ (430)540BUNWAREE Priyal (mauritius)
436↓ (430)540YEE KIN SIEN Karen (mauritius)
437↓ (430)540RAJAONAH Rondro (madagascar)
438↓ (430)540RANDRIANARISOA Niantsa (madagascar)
439↓ (430)540ANDRE Maena (mauritius)
440↓ (430)540CHOWREE Marie (mauritius)
441↓ (430)540NINO Neridee (venezuela)
442↓ (430)540IMANOVA Maryam ()
443↓ (430)540EDGHILL Chelsea (guyana)
444--528KRZYSIEK Paulina (poland)
445--525LUZOLO Davina (kongo)
446↓ (445)525LEE Ka Yee (hong kong)
447↓ (445)525MAETAKI Hatsune (japan)
448↓ (445)525GULTI Marta (ethiopia)
449↓ (445)525LIU Juan (USA)
450↓ (445)525SCHREINER Franziska (germany)
451--522ANDREEVA Liidia (estland)
452--520SUN Jiayi (croatia)
453↓ (452)520KAHRAMAN Betul Nur (turkey)
454--518BHANDARKAR Mallika (india)
455--516WARNAKULASURIYA Jithara (sri lanka)
456--510KIM Haeun (south korea)
457↓ (456)510LEE Nakyung (south korea)
458↓ (456)510KOH Kai Xin Pearlyn (singapore)
459--505NYYAZGYLYJOVA Oguljennet (turkmenistan)
460--504TELLEZ Cory (kolumbien)
461--500VARGAS Francesca (peru)
462↓ (461)500YANG Yiyun (china)
463↓ (461)500NATH Kaushani (india)
464--495KIM Jiho (south korea)
465↓ (464)495LEE (2002) Daeun (south korea)
466--490ALI Maryam (qatar)
467--485CASTILLO Lisi (kuba)
468↓ (467)485MACHADO FERNANDEZ Shelly (kuba)
469↓ (467)485PETROVA Valeria (estland)
470--480CHONG I Weng (macao)
471--475MORI Angela (peru)
472--467MOSCONI Veronica (italy)
473--465CHUNG Rheann ()
474↓ (473)465PETROVOVA Nikita (czech republic)
475--460KHETKHUAN Tamolwan (thailand)
476↓ (475)460KHALIKOVA Kamila (usbekistan)
477↓ (475)460DUTTA Moumita (india)
478--458LUKAAYA Amina (uganda)
479--455CARLSEN Rebekka (norwegen)
480↓ (479)455ROOSE Alma (sweden)
481--450KLEE Sophia (germany)
482--445CRUZ Kheith Rhynne (philippines)
483--440GUO Yuhan (china)
484↓ (483)440RI Hyang (north korea)
485↓ (483)440KIM Kum Yong (north korea)
486↓ (483)440JU Hyang Hui (north korea)
487↓ (483)440CHOE (1998) Hyon Hwa (north korea)
488↓ (483)440GU Ruochen (china)
489↓ (483)440JON Kyong Mi (north korea)
490↓ (483)440ALHODABY Marwa (egypt)
491↓ (483)440AL-WEDIAN Bara (jordanien)
492↓ (483)440LENG Yutong (china)
493--435SHINOHARA Yura (japan)
494--432MEYER Sarah (luxembourg)
495--431TAN En Hui (singapore)
496--430KIM Youjin (south korea)
497--428SULTANA Sonam (bangladesch)
498--425VISHNIAKOVA Olga (russia)
499↓ (498)425KIM Mingyung (south korea)
500↓ (498)425BLAZHKO Anna (russia)